This got NASA scientists even more intrigued, so they
conducted one more research about the pineal gland a year later in 1970.
However, this research wasn’t enough.
NASA scientists wanted a bigger and larger-scale experiment.
Now get this…
In 2019, Wikileaks, the platform for secret government documents, leaked a classified telegram
how the US Department of State shipped frozen penguin pineal glands from ARGENTINA to the US in
How crazy is that?
Turns out…
NASA and the US government were collaborating on a secret project called “Pinealium” after witnessing
the powers of the pineal gland after the Apollo missions.
NASA and the US government wanted to understand how to access the mystical powers of the pineal gland
and keep their edge.
The US Department of State chose penguins because nobody would say anything about classification and
Penguins have the biggest pineal glands on earth, their decisions resemble humans a lot, so they are
closest thing to us to study.
It would be more difficult to get away with decapitating over 250,000 penguins throughout the
if they were pigeons or doves.
Now here’s what happened next…
Just a year later, in 1974, NASA introduced an anti-fluoride solution for dental care called
Since the space missions in the 60s and 70s took a toll on NASA’s budget, they sold the rights to
this chemical formula to a Japanese company to replenish much of the budget they spent on the latest
What most people don’t know is that NASA came up with another 100% natural and classified formula to
decalcify the pineal gland which they kept hidden and was only available for their personal.
Most Astronauts in the '70s were still under military duty so the secret solution was leaked to their
military friends.
Slowly military generals, CIA and FBI agents, politicians and high-ranked elites started using this
secret drink to cleanse their bodies from fluoride and unlock their third eye.
Some used their newly found brain powers to gain control and money.
Others were able to reverse diseases and aging.
Government agencies like the CIA and FBI used it for their psychic spying missions.
You’d guess they’d share this knowledge with the public right?
Well not exactly.
They can’t just go out and say “Oh sorry we added fluoride everywhere to mess with your brain and
your ability to manifest.”
The people would go berserk.
No wonder leaked classified documents about the penguin pineal gland shipments were never meant to
the light of day.
And it's no surprise why NASA still keeps the details of their research on the pineal gland private.